Unniyappam Recipe

 Unniyappam is a very popular kerala snack and traditional recipe. It tastes crispy outside and soft inside. They are offered as prasad in temples in kerala. This recipe is made with a handful of simple ingredients.


  • 2 cups white rice
  • 3 small bananas
  • 350gms jaggery, half cup water(for jaggery syrup)
  • 2tbsp ghee
  • cardamom 3-4 pods
  • coconut bits
  • 1\4 tsp baking soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • coconut oil

How to make Unniyappam

1. Rinse and soak the rice overnight or 3 hours.

2. Make jaggery syrup by melting it in half cup of water. Filter the syrup with a strainer and allow it to cool.

3. Drain the water and grind the rice with melted jaggery.
4.Add three bananas and grind the mixture. Do not grind it very smooth.
5. The batter should be dropping consistency. Instead of water use jaggery syrup for making the batter, the unniyappam will be more tastier.
6. Fry the coconut bits in ghee.
6.Into the batter add cardamom powder ,1|4 tsp of baking soda and a pinch of salt.
7. Add the coconut bits and mix thouroghly. Keep this batter aside for 2-3 hours.
8. Heat coconut oil in an unniyappam mould.
9. When the oil becomes hot, pour the batter in each mould.
10.Keep the flame in meduim-low, flip it and let it cook till it becomes golden brown or dark brown as your wish.


Enjoy the hot unniyappam with tea!


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